Archive for Allegations


Audit claims she didn’t comply with university travel policies and expenses weren’t properly documented

The Arizona Republic reported in its Sunday, January 5, 2020 edition in a story by Rachel Leingang that Northern Arizona University had improperly paid more than $40,000 in travel expenses for President Rita Cheng and her husband. It is alleged that the expenses didn’t comply with university travel policies and weren’t properly documented.

According to the story in the Arizona Republic, the spending included more than $30,000 for airplane tickets to Russia, which represented nearly 62% of the total Cheng and her husband Tom Cheng, who also works at NAU, spent on travel in the 2019 fiscal year.

The  audit was released Friday, January 3 by the Arizona Auditor General.

The audit report stated that NAU didn’t follow university and Arizona Board of Regents’ travel policies properly, which “put public monies at potential risk of misuse” and “set an unfavorable tone that policies do not need to be followed.”

Source:  Arizona Republic, January 5, 2020,

Allegations against Dr. Wills not substantiated

Seven allegations made against President Wills not substantiated; nature and scope of claims unclear as of now

The College has reported on its website that allegations brought by Board member Deb McCasland against Dr. Wills were “without merit and lacking in factual support.” According to the College web site, “In a public report following an executive session review of the allegations, the Board stated, `The review did not substantiate any of the allegations against Dr. Wills.’ Each of the seven allegations were evaluated as part of the due diligence review was determined to be without merit and lacking in factual support.”

You may view the College news release regarding the allegations by clicking here.  The Blog is in the process of attempting to obtain a copy of the public report issued at the close of Tuesday’s Board meeting.