Archive for Wills salary


Wills spends only a handful of working days in Prescott office from March 21 to April 27

President Penelope Wills, who is paid a quarter million a year by County taxpayers, has been out of her office in Prescott for two trips  between March 21, 2017 and April 27, 2017. No one will confirm her whereabouts during the first three weeks of her absence, that is the period March 21 to April 11.

Although the staff continues to keep the taxpayers in the dark about her absence from March 21, 2017 to April 11, it is beginning to appear but still has not been confirmed that she attended a Conference in Auckland, New Zealand from April 2-7.  If she attended this conference, it is not clear how she spent the other weeks out of office in March and early April.

Shortly after her return from the March 21 – April 11 trip, she again packed her bags and flew off for the AACC Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana, which was held April 22-25, 2017.

Governing Board extends Wills’ contract one year

Wills’ receives 1.7 percent increase  in base salary and retention of existing expense account and other benefits  (Exact salary details remain closely guarded secret)

By a 4-1 vote, the Community College District Governing Board approved a 1.7% increase in the base salary of Community College president Penelope Wills’ at its June 9 meeting for one year through 2018.  It also approved retention of existing perks such as expense accounts and other unnamed benefits.


Wills’ salary a closely guarded secret.

Under Arizona law, a community college president’s contract must run for three years. Therefore, to continue Wills’ in her position  for more than the initial three years, the  Board must approve adding another year onto her contract every year to maintain a consistent three year agreement.

The amount of the base salary of the nature and extent of the perks the president received were not disclosed and remain a closely guarded secret from the public. Representative Deb McCasland voted against the increase stating she believed the salary should remain at its current level.

Because of the secrecy surrounding the terms of the contract, no data comparing whatever her salary is with that of other community college presidents in Arizona was not available to the public.