Archive for Search Committee


Harris votes to break tie and snubs McCasland who sought second seat on Search Committee

The Sigafoos, McCarver West County Voting-Bloc leaders continue to control the composition of the search committee to select a new Yavapai Community College president.  At the Thursday, May 23, 2018 meeting of the Board their alliance made certain that a strong voice from the Verde Valley was not heard on the Committee.

During the Thursday meeting, the question of a second Board member to join  the Search team was raised and Sigafoos nominated Connie Harris.  Harris has closely aligned herself with Sigafoos, McCarver and President Wills during her short tenure representing a portion of East County residents.

Representative Deb McCasland objected and during discussion argued that she could more effectively represent the interests of East County residents.  McCaslin pointed out that she has been twice elected by voters on both sides of the County, has served four years on the Board, has worked with the Community College in some form beginning in 1970, knows the history of the Community College and has excellent connections with the residents and leaders in the Verde Valley.  She argued she would also bring a type of continuity to the Search Committee.

In sharp contrast to McCasland, Harris was appointed and began serving on the Board only a year and five months ago.  She had not lived on the east side of the County even a year before her appointment.  She has not been involved with the east side community to any significant degree since the appointment.  Moreover, she may not be elected for the first time in November 2018.

Steve Irwin joined with McCasland in opposing the Harris appointment.  Harris did not extend any courtesy to McCasland after hearing her arguments and broke the tie vote on the Board by casting a vote to appoint herself.

Despite McCasland’s superior background and experience she would bring to the committee, the political control remained in the hands of Sigafoos and McCarver.  McCarver, of course, was appointed as chair of the selection committee at the previous Board meeting on motion by Sigafoos.

Some observers concluded that the entire episode was orchestrated by McCarver and Sigafoos to help Harris with her upcoming election.